Executive Council

Back row: left to right

  • Chief Larry Ahenakew - Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation
  • Chief Lorie Whitecalf - Sweetgrass First Nation
  • Chief Sylvia Weenie - Stoney Knoll First Nation
  • Chief Kenny Moccasin - Saulteaux First Nation

Front row: left to right 

  • Chief Tanya Aguilar-Antiman - Mosquito Grizzly Bears Head Lean Man First Nation (MGBHLM)
  • Chief Cheryl Kahpeaysewat - Moosomin First Nation - Tribal Chair

Missing from photo:  

  • Chief Lux Benson - Red Pheasant Cree Nation 
Executive Team

Neil Sasakamoose - Chief Executive Officer

Working as team to move the BATC Strategic Plans forward in the coming year. BATC will be a leader in multiple areas with a highly skilled team adopting the organizational values of Balance, Accountability, Transparency,  and Culture.


 Trudy Kern CFO

Trudy Kern -  Chief Financial Officer

BATC is in a positive financial position and are moving forward with a strong business and financial plan to support the future and continued growth of our organization.  Our strong financial team takes pride in working as a team with BATC management to ensure a strong dedication throughout the organization to financial compliance, as well as our commitment to accountability and transparent reporting to our leaders and membership.



Keys to growth lie in successful capacity development of all operations.